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The Book

Legends of the Lost Sacred Kingdom

The natives of the sacred kingdom of Mapungubwe had embraced their mythological beliefs indoctrinated throughout generations. Traditional healers had used supernatural powers vested upon them by their ancestors to protect their monarchy from any calamities.

However, when the malevolent monster begun to terrorize their kingdom, aristocrats of the tribe convinced their great king that the monster could not be defeated. Regrettably, not even their powerful wizards could stand against the monster’s wrath.

Will they succeed in rescuing the missing girl captured by the monster? 

As their last resort, the most decorated traditional healer and his explorers should find the untraceable fountains, the land of supernatural, home of the sacred white spirits.

“Great witchdoctors, nobles, and untouchables had embarked on a similar journey before, but there was yet a single person to return.”